This article is long overdue, however I needed time to digest and review the past recent years. My Mom passed away due to Alzheimer’s disease, after dealing with the disease for over 8 years. Just recently we lost an extended member of our family to the same disease and in the past 2 years another extended family member of the disease. Now I won’t get into the differences, causals or symptoms as there are so many variables to consider including the portion of the brain that is impacted. 

However, this brief article is to focus on the fact that Alzheimer’s will be a disease to reckon with. It does NOT take into account the full scope of: 

  • Socio economic background or current state, 
  • Race, culture or behaviors 
  • Who you are and how you relate to the world
  • A family member 
  • A Loved One 
  • A Co-worker 
  • An acquaintance 

But we can take into account to be more informed. Consider, what will impact us the most? Our knowledge, our experience, our empathy & compassion, will be key to further comprehend this devastating disease. 

Consider our understanding of how devastating Alzheimer’s can be to: 

  • A family member
  • A Loved One
  • A Co-worker
  • An acquaintance 

If we are lucky in life, we live to be well beyond our ancestors, but even more so, live to be cognizant of our lives, our surroundings and our behaviors. 

However, this article is not about lamenting on the downside, but encouraging all to consider their loved ones, their family history, friends, significant others and just give a thought – “What would/could I do if I were on that “critical path” of either impacting or being impacted by Alzheimer’s?”

That said, here is the key storyline for now, relative to this disease (and yes, so many others exist)…….During our professional lives, we are going to encounter various stressors, various twists and turns of external factors that impacts us personally, physically, emotionally and behaviorally (amongst others), but the key is to acknowledge the changes that is occurring within and without. 

Consider, our resources of friends that we can confide in or speak freely without being judged. We need to consider what resources are available within our profession and our employers of our profession.

Consider how best to move forward, because the disease is relentless and always seems to get ahead of our plans, so how do we “keep up”?

Consider the strategy to set forth, that includes most if not all potential “What If’s”, and know that it’s okay to go off the chart, because Alzheimer’s has no boundaries. Consider how to maintain productivity in our personal, professional, spiritual and other critical components of life.

Yes, we know that the numbers are increasing yearly for “victims” of the disease, but if we don’t do our part in “research”, in increasing our “knowledge”, understanding the potential “signs & symptoms” & really taking it seriously, we will fail before we succeed and we truly don’t have time for failure. 

So, why this article? I felt the need to convey my thoughts, feelings on the matter and urge others to share your stories, because what we don’t know in this case, truly hurts and impact us, INSIDE OUT!